
Issues and New Features

If you find a bug or there are any features you would like added please open up an issue here.

Adding to the Code

If you would like to contribute to the code yourself, drop me an email at and I will add you as a collaborator.

Contributions will operate on a pull request model:

Create a fork of the repository by hitting the Fork button in the top right.

Clone your fork, and set it to track the original repository

git clone< username >/ADA.git
cd ADA
git remote add upstream

Create a new branch to work on your feature

git checkout -b < branch name >

Add your new code, committing and pushing to your branch as usual.

When finished, make sure all the changed files have been committed and pushed to your GitHub repository.

git commit -a -m "Commit message"
git push origin < branch name >

Find your branch on GitHub and click New pull request. Add a message about the new feature and then I will review it and merge if appropriate.

Adding a new file type

  • Add a reader function in the reader directory. It should take a file name and return a collection of AlgaeData objects, depending on the contents of the file.

  • Add a load function to that calls the reader function and adds the AlgaeData object to the data manager.

  • Add name of file to file_types and replicate_types in

  • Add the load function to the load method in, calling it if the file_type matches the name given in the configuration.

Adding a new model

  • Create a model class that inherits from GrowthModel in

  • The inner __init__ must contain:
    • A Latex equation string of the function.

    • A list of short descriptions of parameters for displaying options in the app.

    • A list of Latex parameter strings.

    • A list of the units of each parameter as a function of the X and Y units passed to the outer __init__.

  • Add the new model class to the get_model function.

  • Add the model name to fit_options in

Adding a new table row type

  • Create a function for calculating the measurement in DataManager.

  • Add the measurement type inputs to TableListItem.

  • In call the data manager function in get_row_data and set the corresponding title in get_row_title.

  • Add the measurement name to table_row_options in